
The US is a melting pot of different people. The systems that our country was founded on do not support the diversity of the population that America has today. There are problems with our tax distribution, healthcare not being accessible, institutionalized racism, gender equality, and our treatment of immigrants. The articles below discuss these important topics and how we can change them.

About Us

Our mission is to discuss pressing issues that America and the world are facing today, such as poverty, the environment, and human rights issues.

We believe that it is our responsibility to vote for politicians who will implement progressive policies that will help the impoverished, the minority, and the environment. Our hope is to spread information about these issues to people who are misinformed or unaware of these situations in our country.


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If you wish to contact us, we can be reached via email at admin@whatliberalmedia.com. Feel free to shoot us a message if you have any concerns, comments, questions, or anything related.